Are you looking for quick wins to save labour costs?

Our C Series Intermittent-Rotary motion Tray denester-placer is unique. Using the latest servo drive technology available, we combined two well proven principals of rotary motion, and intermittent motion to deliver a brand new, unique, but incredibly flexible high speed tray denester-placer.

The C Series intermittent-rotary motion machine can denest and place a large spectrum of pots, trays and tubs at high speed with incredible accuracy.

Available in single and multiple magazine versions, the C Series uses our unique method of picking trays using horizontal motion pick heads combined with rotary motion using high performance servo motors to deliver high speed deep tray/pot denesting and placing.

With the use of lightweight but durable magazine masks, the C series can be changed from one type or size of tray/pot to another in a matter of minutes by a trained operator.

 Designed in house using 3D design software and assembled by our team of skilled engineers, we are proud of our innovative ideas and solutions fully supported from our factory in Manchester.

If you would like more information on our Tray Denesting-placing or Base Card Feeding and U card folding solutions, please get in touch.

Duncan Macintyre

Duncan Macintyre has been a director of Partners in Packaging Machine Systems Ltd for 13 years and has been in the packaging Industry for over 1000 years!

Has finding labour been difficult and expensive?


APS Salads install A Series Tray Denester-Placer